a seamless crush of colours

just a collection of poetry that i'm scared to lose, and somewhere to post more as i write them. that said, there's no chronology to the poems, i'm just posting them in no particular order.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


the knowing subservience to a harmful substance
the knowledge but none of the power
crack smack smoke dope
it's all the same
a quest for the increasingly elusive rush
running down the slippery slope
alcohol weed sex
the pinnacle of self-destruction
just to escape the imagined nadir
the willing enslavement of soul
for the fleeting freedom of impure


  • At 11/9/05 00:12, Blogger Joie said…

    Not that I can suggest how to fix it, but the lines "crack smack smoke dope/it's all the same" is really jerky and awkward. Needs a rewrite.

  • At 11/9/05 12:06, Blogger bastard said…

    hmmm. actually. the crack line was supposed to be jerky. in a rhyme ish kinda way.

    you really think it needs reworking? i'll mull on it.


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